GiveAway Week, TStv Will Give Out Free 5000 Decoders This Week For Testing


Tstv GiveAway Week, TStv Will Give Out Free 5000 Decoders This Week For Testing
good news from tstv as they have decided to give out 5000 free devorders to all Nigeria states .
As we all know the new TV satellite tstv was launched on 1st October 2017 and commercialization will commerce on 1st November 2017.As for now the CEO of Tstv Mr bright has promised of free decoders to all Nigeria states for testing their new decoder.

Tstv will be sharing free decorder in 36 states for 2weeks,after free share commercialization will commerce .
Mr bright said they initially want to share free decoders on the day of launch due to crowd they couldn't share to everyone.
Tstv Ceo Mr bright has ordered those that had paid for tstv through any dealer to collect their money back because the test decoreders are free. 

I am tmerlin a tech lover

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